Bookseller Catalogs

238: Rare Books in the Medical Sciences; Anesthesia, Chinese & Mexican Medicine, Dentistry & Dental

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

238: Rare Books in the Medical Sciences; Anesthesia, Chinese & Mexican Medicine, Dentistry & Dental 43 medical books: SUBJECTS: Anesthesia, Chinese Medicine, Cocaine (Cola-Cola); Dentistry & Dental Instruments, George Dock Offprints, Medical Bibliography, Medical Education, Medical Letters & Medical Poetry, Mexican medical history, Neurosurgery, Opium

AUTHORS, CONTRIBUTORS: American Heart Association; Andres ARANDA CRUZALTA; Carter Burwell BERKELEY; [Charles] Carolus MINOR; Greene Vardiman BLACK; Astley COOPER; Arthur Joseph CRAMP; Samuel CRUMPE; Harvey CUSHING; Jean DARIER; Thomas DE QUINCEY; Paul DIEPGEN; George DOCK; Daniel DRAKE; John F. FAITHHORN; GALEN; Antonin GOSSET; Alexander GRANT; Simeon Hayden GUILFORD; Heinrich HAESER; William Ernest HENLEY; Pierre HUARD; Blair HUGHES-STANTON; Robert KOCH; Chauncey D. LEAKE; Samuel Albert LEVINE; Thomas LINACRE; Baron Joseph LISTER; Henry Munson LYMAN; Sir William MACEWEN; Charles MacLAURIN; Hugo MAGNUS; Edward Deering MANSFIELD; Otto MARBURG; Angelo or Ange-François MARIANI; John MARTIN; Laird WNEVIUS; William OSLER; Sir James PAGET; Joseph Frank PAYNE; Raymond PEARL; Sir William ROBERTS; Samuel ROLLESTON; Hans SALLANDER; John Cunningham SAUNDERS; William SHARP; Charlotte THOMAS; University of Iowa Museum of Art; Paul UUNSCHULD; [WALLER COLLECTION; Tord SKOOG; Samuel SWHITE; Ming WONG.

How to request a print version: Contact:

January 2020 email blast

By Stuart Lutz Historic Documents, Inc.

January 2020 email blast This month's newsletter features a Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. signed book, a previously unrecorded Charles Darwin letter discussing his early book on evolutionary biology, a Mark Twain letter to a Yale Law School dean, an Andrew Johnson signed military commission just days after the Lincoln assassination, an United States Colored Troops document, a Langston Hughes signed book, a George Santayana signed poem, and many content letters.

How to request a print version: Please email me at

Mormon List 81

By Rick Grunder-Books

Mormon List 81 Catalog of books, manuscripts and ephemera relating to the Mormons and early Mormon origins, 1700s-1929. 71 pages; numerous color illustrations. $150 - $7.5M.

How to request a print version: Available as a PDF file only (printable or view on-screen).


By Jeff Weber Rare Books

237: THE LIBRARY OF FREDERICK A. FRYE: HISTORICAL PEDIATRICS 45 medical books: SUBJECTS: Aphorisms (medical), Dentistry, Dermatology, Fashions, Gastroenterology, Headaches, Hematology, Hemostasis, Heredity, Home Remedies, Measles, Medical Bibliography, Medical Biography, Medical History, Medical Monsters, Obstetrics, Ophthalmology, Pathology, Pediatrics, Rickets, Small Pox, Scarlet Fever

AUTHORS, CONTRIBUTORS: A. Monroe AURAND, Jr.; Robert BAUSTIN; John Brodhead BECK; David MBONNER; Eugene BOUCHUT; Roland HBAINTON; CELSUS; Jan Hieronim CHROSCIEJOWSKI; [Clothing fashions]; Felix CUNHA; Walter Cooper DENDY; Robley DUNGLISON; Duke University Medical Center Library; Max von FREY; Christoph GIRTANNER; Francis GLISSON; George Milbry GOULD; Marshall HALL F.R.S.E; Samuel Clark HARVEY; Eduard Heinrich HENOCH; Edward JENNER; Johann Helfrich JUNGKEN [JUENGKEN]; Georg KUFNER; Johann KUFNER; Peter Mere LATHAM; William Richard LeFANU; John LINING; Jeremias MARTIUS; Medical Library Association; Friedrich Ludwig MEISSNER; Girolamo MERCURIALE; Theophanus NONNOS; Obstetrical Society of London; Sir William OSLER; John PECHEY; John Charles PETERS; Thomas PHAIRE [PHAYRE]; James PRIMEROSE [PRIMROSE]; August Ritter von REUSS; Eucharius ROESSLIN; Albertus SCHELIGIUS; Henry SCHUMAN; Michael SERVETUS; Henry Ernest SIGERIST; Job Lewis SMITH; Smith, Kline & French Company; Alice SOLLIER; Georg Jacob Friedrich SONNENMAYER; George Frederic STILL; Thomas SYDENHAM; Leonello VITTORI [Leonellus Faventinus VICTORIUS]; Wellcome Historical Medical Museum; Charles WEST; Leonard Charles WOOLDRIDGE; Felix WURTZ [WIRTZ, WUERTZ]; Rudolph WURTZ.

How to request a print version: contact:


MAGAZINES OF HISTORICAL & CONTEMPORARY INTEREST - FEBRUARY 2020 This catalog is a brief extract of our latest listing of forty late 19th century to mid 20th century magazines covering items of such contemporary interest as immigration, women's liberation and war, and a bound volume of issues of Collier's magazine with Arthur Conan Doyle's famous detective, Sherlock Holmes, represented in the magazine by three separate stories with stunning color covers of the detective by F.D. Steele.

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